Metal Spikes on Manhole Covers Cause Flat Tires for Tucson Drivers
In his 15 years working in a Tucson auto shop, Marty Brechbiel has never before seen so many customers come in on the same day, on different occasions, with the same issue: punctured tires.
Tucson police say more than a dozen drivers have fallen victim to spikes being placed in manhole covers in east Tucson, costing them hundreds of dollars in damages.
Several of Mr. Brechbiel’s customers at Jack Furrier Tire & Auto Care have driven over spikes that had been deliberately placed in manhole covers. Since early 2015, the auto shop occasionally gets two or three vehicles with flat tires within the same day. Many of the drivers did not realize they were victims of a crime until their cars were inspected, Mr. Brechbiel said.
Read more on the New York Times Institute.